Every child has right to get treated by specialist trained in paediatric services. When your child needs medical treatment you want him or her to be seen by paediatrician and not general physician. Similarly, if your child is suffering from urological condition. You would prefer consulting Pediatric Surgeon (urologist) who is well qualified and well experienced in treating such condition.
Pediatric Urology is a highly specialised branch of medicine which exclusively deals with care of newborns and children (up to 18 years of age) suffering from urological problems. After completion of graduation, one has to first undergo 3 years of training in General surgery to acquire basic principles of surgery. After this the surgeon has to compete for the very few seats in India for super specialisation in Paediatric Surgery.
During this tenure the surgeon undergoes extensive and rigorous training handling newborns, infants, toddlers and adolescents suffering from surgical condition. During this curriculum he is not only trained in treating surgical condition but also emotional, spiritual and philanthropic approach towards the kids. During this curriculum, surgeon is also mastered in handling the baby tissues delicately, patience and maturity to take decisions. And that is how Pediatric Surgeon is born. Pediatric Surgeons are also trained in having future perspective of the kid. It means just not solving the problem at that moment but also to think rationally to have best outcome in future as well.
Dr. Dinesh Sarda had a strong inclination and interest in Pediatric Urology. Hence he pursued further advanced training in Pediatric Urology from University of Michigan, USA. Dr. Sarda is into the field of treating children with paediatric urological problems since 2004.