Dr. Dinesh Sarda
Dr. Dinesh Sarda is practising pediatric surgery and Pediatric Urology since last 13 years. His a...
View ProfileWelcome to the official website of Dr. Dinesh Sarda’s Pediatric Urology and Pediatric Surgery Center. It is one of the leading center in Central India which is exclusively dedicated for the children having urology surgical problems. We treat all the congenital (by birth) and acquired urological disorders of newborns, infants, toddlers, children and adolescents (0-18 years of age) Our dedicated team compromising of Pediatric Surgeon (Urologist), Pediatric Nephrologist, Anaesthetist trained and experienced in Pediatric anaesthesia, radiologist, backed uyp by pediatric intensivist and caring paramedical staff trained in handling the kids work as a team and with philanthropic attitude. We all are committed to t...
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MBBS, MS (General Surgery), MCh (Pediatric Surgery), DNB, MNAMS, FAIS, FICS(USA), D. Pharm.
Visiting Fellow (Ped.Urology, USA), Visiting Fellow (Ped. MIS, USA).
Consultant Neonatal & Pediatric Surgeon, Pediatric Urologist
Sarda Pediatric Surgery Center Ketki Nursing Home, Dhantoli, Nagpur.
> Post MS Experience: 14 years
> Post MCh Experience: 9 years
> Teaching Experience: 5 years
> Private Practice Experience: 6 years
> Meri...
Every child has right to get treated by specialist trained in paediatric services. When your child needs medical treatment you want him or her to be seen by paediatrician and not general physician. Similarly, if your child is suffering from urological condition. You would prefer consulting Pediatric Surgeon (urologist) who is well qualified and well experienced in treating such condition. Pediatric Urology is a highly specialised branch of medicine which exclusively deals with care of ...
Read More →Paediatric Urology is subspecialty of Paediatric Surgery which deals with birth defects as well as after birth diseases of Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Urethra and Sexual organs (Penis and Testes in ...
Majority of by birth defects of urinary and genital system involve some or other deviation from normal structure leading to complications. Re-constructive urology means redefining and reconstruct...
“Child is not a small Adult”. Hence principles applicable for adults cannot be applicable for children. Treating children especially with surgical problems need empathy, compassion, caring attitude...
Hypospadias means opening of peephole on under surface of penis and not at the tip. Depending on location of opening, it can be distal (near the end of penis), mid – penis or proximal (near the bas...
Now with latest new technology, small size telescopes are available. We have smallest elescope 1.8 mm and cystoresectoscope 8 F which can be used even for infants as well. Many surgeries can be don...
Persistent mullerian Duct Syndrome: This boy had nonpalpable undescended testis located inside the abdomen. On laparoscopy along with both testicles in abdomen, he had a rudimentary uterus with round ligaments. Mullerian structures removed. Both testis brought into the scrotum in 2 stages. Child is doing well.
Penile tourniquet syndrome: This child presented with difficulty in passing urine. On examination he had tuft of hairs around the glans penis. On interrogation, mother confessed to tie the hair on penis. He had complete transaction of urethra and near total transaction of glans penis. Successful reconstruction of urethra and penis was done. Child is now passing urine normally.
Exstrophy of bladder: Child was born with the defect in anterior abdominal wall. Bladder of the child was open and red coloured patch could be seen on abdomen. He was passing urine from the surface of abdominal wall. Single stage surgery of the problem was done.
Vesicoureteric reflux: This child presented with many episodes of Urinary tract infections. He was advised to see pediatric urologist. On investigation he was found to have grade 3 vesicoureteric reflux. Submucosal injection of deflux was done cystoscopically. Child is under regular follow up and he did not have any further episodes of urinary tract infection.
Retrocaval Ureter: This child was referred from Madhya Pradesh in view of diagnosis of right sided ureterohydronephrosis. On CT Urography, it was found to have retrocaval ureter. Ureteroureterostomy was done and child now doing well.
Ovarian Tumor: This girl presented with emesis for 2 days and difficulty in passing urine and fever. On examination a tender lump could be felt in pelvis. CT abdomen showed torsion of right ovary with ovarian mass. On exploration ovarian tumor was seen which was excised.
It is my pleasure to write a review for one of the best Pediatric Urology and Pediatric Surgery centre in Nagpur led by Dr. Dinesh Sarda. I had a very satisfying experience at this facility and will be always grateful to Dr. Sarda for providing the best possible and timely treatment to my child who is now a 2 year old sound boy. I am. Read More
My Child has been diagnosed to have hydronephrosis (condition of swelling on one of the kidneys) during pregnancy scan only. We had been referred to Dr. Dinesh Sarda, Pediatric Urologist by our general paediatrician. He carefully analysed the reports and explained us in details about natural history and long term outcome of the disease. . Read More
For some or other reason I don’t want to disclose the name of myself and my child. I want to share that we were blessed with a baby girl in Nov 2014. When she was around 2 years of age we noticed some changes in her genitalia. Our primary physician was also confused why such changes occurred. There was some penis like organ started growi. Read More
प्रशंसात्मक अभिवादन जिस दिन चिराग का जन्म होने वाला था हम सब बहोत प्रसन्न तथा उत्साहीत थे l परंतु चिराग के जन्म के तुरंत बाद छोटे बच्चोके डॉक्टर ( डॉ राजेश अग्रवाल) ने जब हमे बताया की बच्चेके पेशाब के जगह कुछ समस्या है, हम ने भी देखा कि बच्चेकी पेशाब की जगह्बहोत ही छोटी है तथा पेशाब का छेद लिंग पे ना रहके पेट के उपर हैl मानो हमारे पैर क. Read More
My son was suffered by hypospadias with a proximal level by birth. Always he faced lot of problem regarding urine and therefore he started to take less water. Due to proximal stage the surgery was planned in three steps. Initially we went to a paediatric surgeon in Udaipur (Rajasthan)l He tried his best but not able to do proper surgery . Read More
We are from a Tahsil place Umarkhed in Yavatmal District, Maharashtra. My wife got conceived after 7 years of marriage by treatment for infertility. So this pregnancy was very precious for us. However on 6th month sonography, swelling on both the kidneys (hydronephrosis) was diagnosed alongwith very small water surrounding the foetus (ol. Read More
Dr. Sarda Child Urology and Child Surgery Centre, Ground floor, Kamalprabha Building, Next to Suretech Hospital, Behind Sunny Internatiomnal, Dhantoli, Nagpur 440012., MS, INDIA
Reception: 0712 2420299
Appointment: 09049469431
Helpdesk (Manager Dr. Archana): 09112023458
Dr. Dinesh Sarda: 09049905544 (For Patient's Queries Only)