Preparing your child for surgery
Dear Parent,
We understand that anyone who has been advised surgery is always anxious. Moreover, when it is to be done in a child, fear in the mind of parents is inevitable. But let me tell you that in comparison to adult, children recover faster. Their coping capabilities, pain perception and recovery is much better than adults. Biologically as well, tissue healing is faster than adults.
First and foremost important is making your mindset for surgery. In children, we advise surgery only in following situations:
1. There is no other alternative treatment like medicines or nonsurgical intervention.
2. Literature has proved that surgery is better option than nonsurgical treatment in long run and in future life.
3. Likelihood of complication which will be bad for the child if we do not operate.
So, acceptance by parents is essential. Once you are prepared, you would be in better position to handle the kid. Love is fine, but caring and responsibility is more important. Calm and cool mind can take better care than anxious mind. (I always quote a simple example. If a lady wants to make good recipe for very important guest and if she is very anxious, she will definitely spoil the taste of food. However if she is cautious and not anxious, she will make food better)
Now next step is to prepare your child. Many parents make a common mistake of hiding the fact that child is going to undergo surgery till the hour of surgery. This is not advisable as when child is taken up for surgery, he will be in panic mode. Sudden and unexpected fear can impact very badly on child’s mind in long run. In future, he will have phobia (rather repulsion) for doctor. Believe me; recovery is much faster if u prepares his mind.
So now you understand why it is important to prepare your child for surgery. There is no fixed protocol how to prepare your child, nor is there any chill-pill. Some children are inborn brave or are of take it easy attitude and some are stubborn or with fear factor. But everyone is precious. Answer to question how to prepare your child is very simple. Exactly the way, you would have prepared him or her for any exam, competition or other difficult situation.
Following are common approaches which can be helpful.
1. Telling them that you are having this problem which is hurting you or can hurt you in future. Doctor is going to fix it. You just need to cooperate and listen to him so that you can be fine.
2. You won’t get hurt more than what you got hurt when you were playing that day (remember when he got hurt last tome while playing)
3. Tell him that doctor is going to take you to some special room. You are special than us and hence he has selected only you and not us to enter into that room. You will see many new things there. Please see carefully and also tell us what was special about that room.
4. Tell him that for next few days we will be staying in this building. We will be there with all the time. We will have fun watching movies, playing video games together. We will also bring your favorite games. Papa is also going to stay with us (if he is actually going to…)
5. If child is big enough to understand what is surgery. Make it simple that doctor will put a small, very small needle on your hand which will pain you very less as if I pinch you in fun. Then a small amount of water like thing will be injected which will make you sleep. After that you will not realize anything, no pain, no fear till surgery is over. Once you get up from your sleep, you will be with us.
6. If at the time of your visit to clinic, postoperative patients are admitted, you can put a request and can take a quick tour of hospital with your child and say him “see… this child is staying here with his mumma. He is fine.” (Beware….ask your doctor first…so that consent of concerned patient’s parents can be taken…he may mind his privacy….) I hope…This helps
Dr. Dinesh Sarda