We are from a Tahsil place Umarkhed in Yavatmal District, Maharashtra. My wife got conceived after 7 years of marriage by treatment for infertility. So this pregnancy was very precious for us. However on 6th month sonography, swelling on both the kidneys (hydronephrosis) was diagnosed alongwith very small water surrounding the foetus (oligohydroamnios). We had been sent to pediatric surgeon nearby who explained very bad outcome of this desease. We were disappointed but decided to consult doctors at Pund and Mumbai. They were also not optimistic. One of my friends son was treated by Dr. Dinesh Sarda at Nagpur. He suggested me to see Dr. Sarda. It was first time that we delt ray of hope when we met Dr. Sarda. He explained the outcome bu also said we will do every possible treatment to save the kidneys of our child.
At birth, there were many complications like acid in blood, one kidney was burst and urine got spilled in tummy of child (urinary ascites). But Dr. Sarda managed it very well. Child was operated immediately and child recovered well. He required total 3 planned and staged surgeries but now his kidneys are perfectly well. He is now 8 year old and doing well in studies.
We are very grateful to Dr Sarda for his care and treatment.

Gaurav Tiwari-Father of Advait
My son was suffered by hypospadias with a proximal level by birth. Always he faced lot of problem regarding urine and therefore he started to take less water. Due to proximal stage the surgery was planned in three steps. Initially we went to a paediatric surgeon in Udaipur (Rajasthan)l He tried his best but not able to do proper surgery Later on we contacted so many paediatric surgeons in different places like Lucknow, Agra, Jaipur and Mumbai but not able to approach In December 2016, I enquired about Dr. Dinesh Sarda and went for consultation regarding my son’s surgery. In first visit itself half of my problem was solved by seeing his confidence. I saw the cases which he operated successfully and decided to do operation there only. In February 17, 2017 we went for surgery. Although some complexity was there but operation was successful due to excellent work by the doctor and his team. After surgery, my son was admitted in his hospital up to 7 days. Nursing staff was so nice and attentive for medicines and cleaning. Dr. Sarda also followed twice a day and whenever required, the facility of hospital was also very good. Overall the medical facility available in the hospital was beyond my expectation. We are very thankful to Dr. Sarda for his outstanding services. When we need to come to a hospital, what we look for are – quality doctors, management and comfortable atmosphere. In Dr. Sarda Child Urology Centre I experienced all these in every moment of my stay.
To me it is the synonym for affordable and excellent healthcare under the supervision of well equipped centre managed by well qualified doctor.

श्री. केशवानी
प्रशंसात्मक अभिवादन
जिस दिन चिराग का जन्म होने वाला था हम सब बहोत प्रसन्न तथा उत्साहीत थे l परंतु चिराग के जन्म के तुरंत बाद छोटे बच्चोके डॉक्टर ( डॉ राजेश अग्रवाल) ने जब हमे बताया की बच्चेके पेशाब के जगह कुछ समस्या है, हम ने भी देखा कि बच्चेकी पेशाब की जगह्बहोत ही छोटी है तथा पेशाब का छेद लिंग पे ना रहके पेट के उपर हैl मानो हमारे पैर के निचे की तो जमिन ही हील गयी होl क्योंकी हमने ऐसी बिमारी ना कभी देखी थी ना कभी सुनी थीl हमे किसीने डॉ दिनेश सारडा सरका नाम बतायाl उन्होने देखते ही बताया की इसे एपीस्पेडीयास (Epispadias) कहते हैl और दिलासा दिया की इसे एक साल की उमर पे औपेरशन द्वारा ठीक कर देंगेl इस एक साल के दौरान हमने कई डॉक्टरोसे राय लीl परंतु किसी ने भी इतनी सरलता, विश्वास तथा हमदर्दीके साथ परामर्श नही किया जितना की डॉ सारडाजी ने कियाl
चिराग के पहले जन्मदिवस के बाद डॉ सारडा सरने एक ही औपरेशन कियाl अब बच्चेका पेशाब का सिस्टम सामान्य बालक के समान बन गया हैl हम सरके समझाने का तरिका, संतुलीत व्यक्तीमत्व तथा बच्चोके प्रति संवेदनशिलता आदी गुनोसे काफी प्रभावित हुएl अब चिराग 4 साल का हो गया है और पुरी तरह से नॉर्मल हैl हम ईश्वर का अत्यंत आभार मानते है की उन्होने हमे डॉ सारडा सर से मिलवायाl
For some or other reason I don’t want to disclose the name of myself and my child. I want to share that we were blessed with a baby girl in Nov 2014. When she was around 2 years of age we noticed some changes in her genitalia. Our primary physician was also confused why such changes occurred. There was some penis like organ started growing which also used to get erections often. He referred us to Dr. DInesh Sarda, Pediatric Urologist practising in Nagpur. He carefully examined and advised few investigations. With utmost care, empathy and taking us in confidence disclosed us the fact that our child is male internally (a case of Disorder of Sexual Differentiation – DSD). We were shocked but he counselled us very nicely. He performed sex reversal surgery (Masculanising genitoplasty). My child required 4 stages of surgeries in last 3 years. Now my son is doing very well. We are totally satisfied with appearance of his genitalia. It looks like and functions like male organ should work. Dr Sarda also helped us official formalities to change the gender on official documents.
We are extremely thankful to Dr Dinesh Sarda for his efforts to make my child absolutely normal. It was only heard about such kind of surgeries in movies or papers but now we witnessed ourselves. We are happy that such complicated and rare surgeries are now available in Nagpur.

Mr and Mrs. Kalmegh
My Child has been diagnosed to have hydronephrosis (condition of swelling on one of the kidneys) during pregnancy scan only. We had been referred to Dr. Dinesh Sarda, Pediatric Urologist by our general paediatrician. He carefully analysed the reports and explained us in details about natural history and long term outcome of the disease. He did not hurry up for surgery. When he was convinced on serial ultrasound and renal scan reports that now surgery is only the option remaining, he advised for surgery. He operated successfully and now my son is doing well. Dr. Dinesh Sarda got a cool mind and answered all our queries (how simple and repeated they were) till we are satisfied. He had been always helpful for us at all stages of treatment. His blog “HEALTH TIPS” is really very informative and unique way of educating parents in very simple and practical way.

Vini Setlur (Mom of Vishal Setlur)
It is my pleasure to write a review for one of the best Pediatric Urology and Pediatric Surgery centre in Nagpur led by Dr. Dinesh Sarda. I had a very satisfying experience at this facility and will be always grateful to Dr. Sarda for providing the best possible and timely treatment to my child who is now a 2 year old sound boy.
I am a resident of USA and visited India last year on a vacation with my child who was 8 months old. My child had a history of urinary tract infection due to urine (vesicoureteral) reflux. He was put on a daily antibiotic course in USA to prevent UTIs and we were told that he will have to undergo an open surgery to correct this problem after he turns 1 year old . Meanwhile during my visit in India I learned about Dr. Sarda from a friend and wanted to take an opinion from him.
My first consultation with Dr. Sarda went very well. He ordered the right set of tests and explained two possible options of treatment – one was the open surgery with 99 % success rate and second was a minimally invasive Deflux procedure which will go easy on the baby however is costly and has a relatively lower success rate for complex cases and ours was a complex case. I opted for the second Deflux option as I had faith that my child is in the right hands. Once the decision was made, treatment plan was very well executed by Dr. Dinesh Sarda and team. On the day of procedure, my entire family was very tensed but Dr. Sarda assured us that things will go fine and within 25 minutes my child was out of OT and the procedure was successful. My family is thankful to Dr. Sarda for providing the best treatment with minimal pain. My child has been doing well since then. Medical expenses were also fair and we were not billed any unnecessary charges. All this shows that Dr. Dinesh Sarda is a thorough professional and above all a nice person. Once again Thank you and I would highly recommend Dr. Sarda’s pediatric surgery and pediatric urology center to everyone.