Understanding importance of testis in boys
1. Since testicles looks like roots of orchis plant, it is also called as orchid.
2. There are two testes in boys. They are lying in a bag like structure called as scrotum (bag behind penis)

3. Nature has placed them in separate bag because they are very sensitive organs. Testis cannot sustain higher temperature. Our body is warm and scrotum hangs outside the body and hence it is cooler.
4. Sometimes, testis may remain inside the body and not in scrotum i.e. scrotum is empty and this condition is called as undescended testis.
5. If this is not treated, testis will get damaged and may lose its working capacity or function.
6. Testis has two important functions in body. First they produce sperm (Male counterpart in formation of baby) and other is production of testosterone (substance required for male like changes in men)
7. Testis can also get damaged by swelling, infection or injury.
8. Hence always check your child’s scrotum and older children or adolescents should understand testicular self examination. For more information click on
1. Size of penis and testicles differ from child to child. You cannot compare two children’s organs.
2. One of the testicle may remain lower and other one little higher. (But it is important to have both in scrotum)
3. One of the testes may be smaller than other and it can be normal. However it is better to get examined by pediatric urologist.
4. Size of scrotum may vary. It will look small in winter and bigger in summer.